Chapter 10 Mendel and Meiosis Continued Worksheet

Chapter 10 Mendel and Meiosis

Chapter 10 Mendel and Meiosis

Section 10. 1: Mendel's Laws of Heredity • It was not until the mid-nineteenth

Section 10. 1: Mendel's Laws of Heredity • It was not until the mid-nineteenth century that Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk, carried out important studies of heredity—the passing on of characteristics from parents to offspring. • Characteristics that are inherited are called traits. • Mendel was the first person to succeed in predicting how traits are transferred from one generation to the next. • A complete explanation requires the careful study of genetics—the branch of biology that studies heredity.

Mendel Chose His Subject Carefully • Mendel chose to use the garden pea in

Mendel Chose His Subject Carefully • Mendel chose to use the garden pea in his experiments for several reasons. • Garden pea plants reproduce sexually, which means that they produce male and female sex cells, called gametes.

 • The male gamete forms in the pollen grain, which is produced in

• The male gamete forms in the pollen grain, which is produced in the male reproductive organ. • The female gamete forms in the female reproductive organ. • In a process called fertilization, the male gamete unites with the female gamete. • The resulting fertilized cell, called a zygote (ZI goht), then develops into a seed. • The transfer of pollen grains from a male reproductive organ to a female reproductive organ in a plant is called pollination.

 • When he wanted to breed, or cross, one plant with another, Mendel

• When he wanted to breed, or cross, one plant with another, Mendel opened the petals of a flower and removed the male organs. Remove male parts

 • He then dusted the female organ with pollen from the plant he

• He then dusted the female organ with pollen from the plant he wished to cross it with. • This process is called cross-pollination. • By using this technique, Mendel could be sure of the parents in his cross.

Mendel Was a Careful Researcher • He studied only one trait at a time

Mendel Was a Careful Researcher • He studied only one trait at a time to control variables, and he analyzed his data mathematically. • The tall pea plants he worked with were from populations of plants that had been tall for many generations and had always produced tall offspring. • Such plants are said to be true breeding for tallness. • Likewise, the short plants he worked with were true breeding for shortness.

Mendel's Monohybrid Crosses • A hybrid is the offspring of parents that have different

Mendel's Monohybrid Crosses • A hybrid is the offspring of parents that have different forms of a trait, such as tall and short height. • Mendel's first experiments are called monohybrid crosses because mono means "one" and the two parent plants differed from each other by a single trait—height.

The First Generation • Mendel selected a six-foot-tall pea plant that came from a

The First Generation • Mendel selected a six-foot-tall pea plant that came from a population of pea plants, all of which were over six feet tall. • He cross-pollinated this tall pea plant with pollen from a short pea plant. • All of the offspring grew to be as tall as the taller parent.

The Second Generation • Mendel allowed the tall plants in this first generation to

The Second Generation • Mendel allowed the tall plants in this first generation to self-pollinate. • After the seeds formed, he planted them and counted more than 1000 plants in this second generation. • Three-fourths of the plants were as tall as the tall plants in the parent and first generations.

 • One-fourth of the offspring were as short as the short plants in

• One-fourth of the offspring were as short as the short plants in the parent generation. • In the second generation, tall and short plants occurred in a ratio of about three tall plants to one short plant.

 • The original parents, the true-breeding plants, are known as the P 1

• The original parents, the true-breeding plants, are known as the P 1 generation. • The offspring of the parent plants are known as the F 1 generation. • When you cross two F 1 plants with each other, their offspring are the F 2 generation.

 • In every case, he found that one trait of a pair seemed

• In every case, he found that one trait of a pair seemed to disappear in the F 1 generation, only to reappear unchanged in one-fourth of the F 2 plants.

The Rule of Unit Factors • Mendel concluded that each organism has two factors

The Rule of Unit Factors • Mendel concluded that each organism has two factors that control each of its traits. • We now know that these factors are genes and that they are located on chromosomes. • Genes exist in alternative forms. We call these different gene forms alleles. • An organism's two alleles are located on different copies of a chromosome—one inherited from the female parent and one from the male parent.

The Rule of Dominance • Mendel called the observed trait dominant and the trait

The Rule of Dominance • Mendel called the observed trait dominant and the trait that disappeared recessive. • Mendel concluded that the allele for tall plants is dominant to the allele for short plants. • When recording the results of crosses, it is customary to use the same letter for different alleles of the same gene.

 • An uppercase letter is used for the dominant allele and a lowercase

• An uppercase letter is used for the dominant allele and a lowercase letter for the recessive allele. • The dominant allele is always written first.

The Law of Segregation • The law of segregation states that every individual has

The Law of Segregation • The law of segregation states that every individual has two alleles of each gene and when gametes are produced, each gamete receives one of these alleles. • During fertilization, these gametes randomly pair to produce four combinations of alleles.

Phenotypes and Genotypes • Two organisms can look alike but have different underlying allele

Phenotypes and Genotypes • Two organisms can look alike but have different underlying allele combinations. • The way an organism looks and behaves is called its phenotype. • The allele combination an organism contains is known as its genotype. • An organism's genotype can't always be known by its phenotype.

 • An organism is homozygous for a trait if its two alleles for

• An organism is homozygous for a trait if its two alleles for the trait are the same. • The true-breeding tall plant that had two alleles for tallness (TT) would be homozygous for the trait of height. • An organism is heterozygous for a trait if its two alleles for the trait differ from each other. • Therefore, the tall plant that had one allele for tallness and one allele for shortness (Tt) is heterozygous for the trait of height.

Mendel's Dihybrid Crosses • Mendel performed another set of crosses in which he used

Mendel's Dihybrid Crosses • Mendel performed another set of crosses in which he used peas that differed from each other in two traits rather than only one. • Such a cross involving two different traits is called a dihybrid cross.

The First Generation • Mendel took true-breeding pea plants that had round yellow seeds

The First Generation • Mendel took true-breeding pea plants that had round yellow seeds (RRYY) and crossed them with true-breeding pea plants that had wrinkled green seeds (rryy). • He already knew the round-seeded trait was dominant to the wrinkled-seeded trait. • He also knew that yellow was dominant to green.

The Second Generation • Mendel then let the F 1 plants pollinate themselves. •

The Second Generation • Mendel then let the F 1 plants pollinate themselves. • He found some plants that produced round yellow seeds and others that produced wrinkled green seeds. • He also found some plants with round green seeds and others with wrinkled yellow seeds. • He found they appeared in a definite ratio of phenotypes— 9 round yellow: 3 round green: 3 wrinkled yellow: 1 wrinkled green.

The Law of Independent Assortment • Mendel's second law states that genes for different

The Law of Independent Assortment • Mendel's second law states that genes for different traits—for example, seed shape and seed color—are inherited independently of each other. • This conclusion is known as the law of independent assortment.

Punnett Squares • In 1905, Reginald Punnett, an English biologist, devised a shorthand way

Punnett Squares • In 1905, Reginald Punnett, an English biologist, devised a shorthand way of finding the expected proportions of possible genotypes in the offspring of a cross. • This method is called a Punnett square. • If you know the genotypes of the parents, you can use a Punnett square to predict the possible genotypes of their offspring.

Monohybrid Crosses • A Punnett square for this cross is two boxes tall and

Monohybrid Crosses • A Punnett square for this cross is two boxes tall and two boxes wide because each parent can produce two kinds of gametes for this trait.

 • The two kinds of gametes from one parent are listed on top

• The two kinds of gametes from one parent are listed on top of the square, and the two kinds of gametes from the other parent are listed on the left side. • It doesn't matter which set of gametes is on top and which is on the side. • Each box is filled in with the gametes above and to the left side of that box. You can see that each box then contains two alleles—one possible genotype. • After the genotypes have been determined, you can determine the phenotypes.

Dihybrid Crosses • A Punnett square for a dihybrid cross will need to be

Dihybrid Crosses • A Punnett square for a dihybrid cross will need to be four boxes on each side for a total of 16 boxes. • See Figure 10. 8 on page 261 of textbook

Probability • In reality you don't get the exact ratio of results shown in

Probability • In reality you don't get the exact ratio of results shown in the square. • That's because, in some ways, genetics is like flipping a coin—it follows the rules of chance. • The probability or chance that an event will occur can be determined by dividing the number of desired outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes. • A Punnett square can be used to determine the probability of getting a pea plant that produces round seeds when two plants that are heterozygous (Rr) are crossed.

Probability • The Punnett square shows three plants with round seeds out of four

Probability • The Punnett square shows three plants with round seeds out of four total plants, so the probability is 3/ 4

Probability • It is important to remember that the results predicted by probability are

Probability • It is important to remember that the results predicted by probability are more likely to be seen when there is a large number of offspring Click image to view movie

HOMEWORK • Please write out and answer question 1 -5 of the Section 10.

HOMEWORK • Please write out and answer question 1 -5 of the Section 10. 1 Review on page 262 of the textbook.

Genes, Chromosomes, and Numbers • Genes do not exist free in the nucleus of

Genes, Chromosomes, and Numbers • Genes do not exist free in the nucleus of a cell; they are lined up on chromosomes. • Typically, a chromosome can contain a thousand or more genes along its length.

Diploid and Haploid Cells • In the body cells of animals and most plants,

Diploid and Haploid Cells • In the body cells of animals and most plants, chromosomes occur in pairs. • A cell with two of each kind of chromosome is called a diploid cell and is said to contain a diploid, or 2 n, number of chromosomes. • This pairing supports Mendel's conclusion that organisms have two factors—alleles—for each trait. • Organisms produce gametes that contain one of each kind of chromosome.

 • A cell containing one of each kind of chromosome is called a

• A cell containing one of each kind of chromosome is called a haploid cell and is said to contain a haploid, or n, number of chromosomes. • This fact supports Mendel's conclusion that parent organisms give one allele for each trait to each of their offspring. • See Table 10. 1 on page 265 of textbook

Homologous Chromosomes • The two chromosomes of each pair in a diploid cell are

Homologous Chromosomes • The two chromosomes of each pair in a diploid cell are called homologous chromosomes. • Each pair of homologous chromosomes has genes for the same traits. • On homologous chromosomes, these genes are arranged in the same order, but because there are different possible alleles for the same gene, the two chromosomes in a homologous pair are not always identical to each other.

Why Meiosis? • When cells divide by mitosis, the new cells have exactly the

Why Meiosis? • When cells divide by mitosis, the new cells have exactly the same number and kind of chromosomes as the original cells. • Imagine if mitosis were the only means of cell division. • Each pea plant parent, which has 14 chromosomes, would produce gametes that contained a complete set of 14 chromosomes. • The F 1 pea plants would have cell nuclei with 28 chromosomes, and the F 2 plants would have cell nuclei with 56 chromosomes.

 • There must be another form of cell division that allows offspring to

• There must be another form of cell division that allows offspring to have the same number of chromosomes as their parents. • This kind of cell division, which produces gametes containing half the number of chromosomes as a parent's body cell, is called meiosis. • Meiosis consists of two separate divisions, known as meiosis I and meiosis II. • Meiosis I begins with one diploid (2 n) cell.

 • By the end of meiosis II, there are four haploid (n) cells.

• By the end of meiosis II, there are four haploid (n) cells. • These haploid cells are called sex cells— gametes. • Male gametes are called sperm. • Female gametes are called eggs. • When a sperm fertilizes an egg, the resulting zygote once again has the diploid number of chromosomes.

 • This pattern of reproduction, involving the production and subsequent fusion of haploid

• This pattern of reproduction, involving the production and subsequent fusion of haploid sex cells, is called sexual reproduction. • See Figure 10. 11 on page 266 of textbook

The Phases of Meiosis • During meiosis, a spindle forms and the cytoplasm divides

The Phases of Meiosis • During meiosis, a spindle forms and the cytoplasm divides in the same ways they do during mitosis. • However, what happens to the chromosomes in meiosis is very different. Click image to view movie

Interphase • During interphase, the cell replicates its chromosomes. • After replication, each chromosome

Interphase • During interphase, the cell replicates its chromosomes. • After replication, each chromosome consists of two identical sister chromatids, held together by a centromere.

Prophase I • The chromosomes coil up and a spindle forms. • As the

Prophase I • The chromosomes coil up and a spindle forms. • As the chromosomes coil, homologous chromosomes line up with each other gene by gene along their length, to form a four-part structure called a tetrad. • The chromatids in a tetrad pair tightly.

 • In fact, they pair so tightly that non-sister chromatids from homologous chromosomes

• In fact, they pair so tightly that non-sister chromatids from homologous chromosomes can actually break and exchange genetic material in a process known as crossing over. • Crossing over can occur at any location on a chromosome, and it can occur at several locations at the same time.

 • It is estimated that during prophase I of meiosis in humans, there

• It is estimated that during prophase I of meiosis in humans, there is an average of two to three crossovers for each pair of homologous chromosomes. • Crossing over results in new combinations of alleles on a chromosome.

Metaphase I • During metaphase I, the centromere of each chromosome becomes attached to

Metaphase I • During metaphase I, the centromere of each chromosome becomes attached to a spindle fiber. • The spindle fibers pull the tetrads into the middle, or equator, of the spindle.

Anaphase I • Anaphase I begins as homologous chromosomes, each with its two chromatids,

Anaphase I • Anaphase I begins as homologous chromosomes, each with its two chromatids, separate and move to opposite ends of the cell. • This critical step ensures that each new cell will receive only one chromosome from each homologous pair.

Telophase I • Events occur in the reverse order from the events of prophase

Telophase I • Events occur in the reverse order from the events of prophase I. • The spindle is broken down, the chromosomes uncoil, and the cytoplasm divides to yield two new cells. • Each cell has half the genetic information of the original cell because it has only one chromosome from each homologous pair.

The Phases of Meiosis II • The second division in meiosis is simply a

The Phases of Meiosis II • The second division in meiosis is simply a mitotic division of the products of meiosis I. • Meiosis II consists of prophase II, metaphase II, and telophase II. • During prophase II, a spindle forms in each of the two new cells and the spindle fibers attach to the chromosomes.

The Phases of Meiosis II • The chromosomes, still made up of sister chromatids,

The Phases of Meiosis II • The chromosomes, still made up of sister chromatids, are pulled to the center of the cell and line up randomly at the equator during metaphase II.

The Phases of Meiosis II • Anaphase II begins as the centromere of each

The Phases of Meiosis II • Anaphase II begins as the centromere of each chromosome splits, allowing the sister chromatids to separate and move to opposite poles.

The Phases of Meiosis II • Finally nuclei, reform, the spindles break down, and

The Phases of Meiosis II • Finally nuclei, reform, the spindles break down, and the cytoplasm divides during telophase II.

 • At the end of meiosis II, four haploid cells have been formed

• At the end of meiosis II, four haploid cells have been formed from one diploid cell. • These haploid cells will become gametes, transmitting the genes they contain to offspring.

Meiosis Provides for Genetic Variation • Cells that are formed by mitosis are identical

Meiosis Provides for Genetic Variation • Cells that are formed by mitosis are identical to each other and to the parent cell. • Crossing over during meiosis, however, provides a way to rearrange allele combinations. • Thus, variability is increased.

Genetic Recombination • Reassortment of chromosomes and the genetic information they carry, either by

Genetic Recombination • Reassortment of chromosomes and the genetic information they carry, either by crossing over or by independent segregation of homologous chromosomes, is called genetic recombination. • It is a major source of variation among organisms.

Meiosis Explains Mendel's Results • The segregation of chromosomes in anaphase I of meiosis

Meiosis Explains Mendel's Results • The segregation of chromosomes in anaphase I of meiosis explains Mendel's observation that each parent gives one allele for each trait at random to each offspring, regardless of whether the allele is expressed. • The segregation of chromosomes at random during anaphase I also explains how factors, or genes, for different traits are inherited independently of each other.

Nondisjunction • The failure of homologous chromosomes to separate properly during meiosis is called

Nondisjunction • The failure of homologous chromosomes to separate properly during meiosis is called nondisjunction. • Recall that during meiosis I, one chromosome from each homologous pair moves to each pole of the cell. • In nondisjunction, both chromosomes of a homologous pair move to the same pole of the cell.

 • The effects of nondisjunction are often seen after gametes fuse. • When

• The effects of nondisjunction are often seen after gametes fuse. • When a gamete with an extra chromosome is fertilized by a normal gamete, the zygote will have an extra chromosome. • This condition is called trisomy. • Although organisms with extra chromosomes often survive, organisms lacking one or more chromosomes usually do not.

 • When a gamete with a missing chromosome fuses with a normal gamete

• When a gamete with a missing chromosome fuses with a normal gamete during fertilization, the resulting zygote lacks a chromosome. • This condition is called monosomy. • An example of monosomy that is not lethal is Turner syndrome, in which human females have only a single X chromosome instead of two.



 • When a gamete with an extra set of chromosomes is fertilized by

• When a gamete with an extra set of chromosomes is fertilized by a normal haploid gamete, the offspring has three sets of chromosomes and is triploid. • The fusion of two gametes, each with an extra set of chromosomes, produces offspring with four sets of chromosomes—a tetraploid.

Chromosome Mapping • Crossing over produces new allele combinations. Geneticists use the frequency of

Chromosome Mapping • Crossing over produces new allele combinations. Geneticists use the frequency of crossing over to map the relative positions of genes on a chromosome. • Genes that are farther apart on a chromosome are more likely to have crossing over occur between them than are genes that are closer together.

 • Suppose there are four genes—A, B, C, and D—on a chromosome. •

• Suppose there are four genes—A, B, C, and D—on a chromosome. • Geneticists determine that the frequencies of recombination among them are as follows: between A and B— 50%; between A and D— 10%; between B and C— 5%; between C and D— 35%. • The recombination frequencies can be converted to map units: A-B = 50; A-D = 10; B-C = 5; C-D = 35.

 • These map units are not actual distances on the chromosome, but they

• These map units are not actual distances on the chromosome, but they give relative distances between genes. Geneticists line up the genes as shown. • The genes can be arranged in the sequence that reflects the recombination data. • This sequence is a chromosome map.

Polyploidy • Organisms with more than the usual number of chromosome sets are called

Polyploidy • Organisms with more than the usual number of chromosome sets are called polyploids. • Polyploidy is rare in animals and almost always causes death of the zygote. • However, polyploidy frequently occurs in plants. • Many polyploid plants are of great commercial value.

Gene Linkage and Maps • If genes are close together on the same chromosome,

Gene Linkage and Maps • If genes are close together on the same chromosome, they usually are inherited together. • These genes are said to be linked. • Linked genes may become separated on different homologous chromosomes as a result of crossing over. • When crossing over produces new gene combinations, geneticists can use the frequencies of these new gene combinations to make a chromosome map showing the relative locations of the genes.

HOMEWORK • Please write out and answer questions 15 of the Section 10. 2

HOMEWORK • Please write out and answer questions 15 of the Section 10. 2 Review on page 273 in the textbook.

That's All Folks!!!

That's All Folks!!!


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